
Showing posts from June, 2011

New Video

I'm almost done with school and will either make a funny live action or a machinima.  Anyways something will get done soon.

E3 Xbox Press Confrence

Awesome beginning to this year E3 was Modern Warfare 3 opening with timed exclusive dlc. New Tomb Raider. Ghost Recon Future Soldier. Mass Effect 3. There adding new live television. Got Bing search for everything. UFC on Xbox. Gears of War 3. Rome Kinect Game called Ryse.  Looks awesome Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary. Forza 4. Fable the journey. Kinect only? Minecraft on Xbox. Disneyland Kinect.  Looks Really lame. Star Wars Kinect.  Nice. Cookie Monster Kinect Game. Kinect Fun Labs. Kinect Sports 2. Dance Central 2. Halo 4. Pretty awesome.